Bing Map Tiles Layer:
Can anybody help with a the code for obtaining Bing Map Tiles as a Custom Map type? I have looked at the following site which documents the URL for many tile servers, but I don't have the skills to write the code.
Google Satellite 'Labels' Layer
Google Maps Satellite 'Labels' layer. For thoes that might have the need to use the Google Maps Satellite 'Labels' layer on their own satellite images, the following code has been tested and works:
function(ll, z) {
var k = (ll.x + ll.y) % 4;
var X = ll.x % (1 << z); // wrap
var e = (ll.x*3+ll.y)%8;
var s = "Galileo".substr(0,e);
return "http://mt" + k + "" + X + "&y=" + ll.y + "&z=" + z + "&s=" + s;